Some call it "the land of the unexpected" and some call it "paradise", but we call it "home"-- Papua New Guinea (PNG), that is. PNG is the world's second largest island just north of Australia, in case you didn't know. Go ahead and admit didn't...and neither did we until 1998 when we began our journey toward overseas missions with Wycliffe Bible Translators. After mission training at Jungle Aviation and Radio Service (JAARS) which is the support arm of Wycliffe Bible Translators (located in Waxhaw, NC, USA), our family left for overseas service in Papua New Guinea in July 2001.
We lived there in the beautiful eastern highlands region on a mission center called Ukarumpa. Ukarumpa is the world's largest mission center and home to a diverse population of missionaries and skilled national workers. At last count, there were over 18 nationalities living there. They are all there for the single purpose of supporting directly and indirectly the work of Bible translation, so that the gospel of Christ Jesus can reach those who haven't heard.
When we returned home (Atlanta, GA) in 2006 to prepare our oldest two sons to acculturate to the US for a successful transition to college, we thought we were finished with overseas missions service. We assumed that we would just slip into another equally meaningful role while Stateside, and continue to live fulfilled lives. However, as time passed, it became obvious that our true calling was still waiting for us in overseas missions. We felt it, our kids felt it, and the needs overseas kept expanding.
Long story short...(read our two latest newsletter links for details)...we reactivated our mission status in August 2008 and prepared to return to mission service in Papua New Guinea with Wycliffe Associates, a sister organization to Wycliffe Bible Translators. Currently, we are wrapping up our family's paperwork to begin living in Papua New Guinea. After a long delay in processing Benjamin's passport (who was born in PNG), we now have everything ready to send off to Washington, DC and Papua New Guinea for visas and work permits. We also need to finish gathering financial support for a summer departure (see newsletter for more information.)
This blog is to extend and highlight the information that appears in our mission newsletters. We look forward to your responses! Check back often, as this is updated regularly. May this blog bless you and encourage you!
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